Please Note No Lunch tomorrow. We’ll be back on Monday. Falling for… It’s time for the fall previews. The AP leads with religion in politics (which always makes a good wire service theme), including Senator John Danforth ‘s Faith and Politics, Mel White’s Religion Gone Bad, Dan Gilgoff’s The Jesus Machine, Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion, and the Revered Barry Lynn’s Piety & Politics. BN fiction ruler Sessalee Hensley declares, “The list looks much stronger than last year. This is the most literary fall I’ve seen in a long time.” (This time last year, during what was supposed to be […]
Lunch for Wednesday, August 23
Borders’ Weakness on Target Borders turned in the poor second quarter performance they warned of in July, but at least the company was at the better end of their lowered expectations. Superstore sales of $600 million were down 5.3 percent on a comparable-store basis, even as remodeled stores are performing better than other outlets. Waldenbooks were down more, as usual, to $126.5 million, a big 12.1 percent drop on a same-store basis. International growth is still sluggish, up 6 percent to $129 million, but down 3.4 percent on a comparable-store basis in local currency, due to continued weakness in the […]
Lunch for Tuesday, August 22
Hastings: New Books Down, Used Books Up With its exposure to the sinking music business, Hastings’ turned in a soft second quarter, as same-store book sales fell 3.2 percent compared to last year. But the worst news is that the absence of $1.7 million in Harry Potter sales was “partially offset by increased sales in all used book categories.” Release Personnel News Jill Schwartzman is moving to Random House Trade Paperbacks as a senior editor later this month, reporting to Jane von Mehren, and acquiring both paperbacks and hardcovers. She will focus on “finding new voices for younger readers.” Schwartzman […]
Lunch for Monday, August 21
We Resume In case you didn’t notice (or didn’t see our notice last Monday) Lunch was at rest last week, but the kitchen is open again this week. Should you ever have questions about whether you’ve missed a particular issue, just check the Lunch Archive at Every time Lunch Deluxe is published, we post it there at the same time we send out the e-mails — and there’s a handy searchable archive of almost 5 years worth of Lunches there, too. NYC Threatens Suit Over 9/11 Photo Book John Botte’s forthcoming book AFTERMATCH: Unseen 9/11 Photos by a New […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, August 21
Our Usual Reminder If for some reason this has reached you even though you are not a paying member of PublishersMarketplace, please visit the link below to join us all the time for complete deal reports and more. Click to register Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form The Key As usual, the handy key to our Lunch deal categories. While all reports are always welcome, those that include a category will generally receive a higher listing when it comes time to put them […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, August 14
Please Note Most likely, there will be no regular Lunches this week. As usual, will be working at full pace, with new deals, new jobs, and linked news items from the home. (If you’re one of those members who rarely visits the site itself, just go to the login page — which has a password reminder feature in case you’ve forgotten your data — or contact your company administrator for corporate logins.) Login page Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form The Key As […]