Monday, March 13 Advertisement “Authors — Do You Know The Seven Things Rich Authors Know That Poor Authors Don’t?” Learn them all on a free telephone seminar on Thursday, March 16th Why do some authors make a fortune while so many others struggle financially? After working with 9,300 authors over the last 19 years, I’ve learned rich authors simply do seven key things differently than poor authors. Join me for a free 75-minute telephone seminar next Thursday, March 16th and I’ll tell you all about those seven key differences — plus how you can use the Rich Author Strategies to […]
Extra Lunch for Friday, March 10
Friday, March 10 Today’s Extra Meal Google Invites Publishers to Register Books for Paid Access After months of discussing a variety of options with publishers to charge visitors to view different types of book content online, Google is introducing their first specific model to publishers today. In this incarnation, publishers can elect to sell “perpetual online access” via Google Book Search to the full text of individual books in Google’s program. Publishers have full control over the pricing of every book they choose to make available in this way, and prices and availability can be changed as often as publishers […]
Lunch for Friday, March 10
New On the Beat, New on the Job Taking over publishing coverage at the NYT is Motoko Rich, who has been covering “real estate trends” since joining the paper in 2003. Before that, the 1991 Yale grad she worked at the WSJ and the FT. Bloomberg Press has hired Judy Sjo-Gaber as director of special markets and corporate sales. Most recently, she was at Weekly Reader Publishing. Additionally, Janet Coleman has joined the press as senior developmental editor. A freelance writer and editor for the past seven years, she previously worked for numerous publishers and Forbes magazine. At Simon & […]
Lunch for Thursday, March 9
Personnel News At Ballantine, Mark Tavani has been promoted to senior editor. In announcing the news, publisher LIbby McGuire notes Tavani’s work in nurturing bestselling author of THE TEMPLAR LEGACY Steve Berry: “Mark spotted Steve Berry’s exceptional potental and built him in four books from an unknown writer with 85 rejections to a major NYT bestseller, and he did it in the old fashioned way, book by book. Mark has a winning combination of enthusiasm, wisdom, unflappable good nature, and great talent as an editor.” At Basic, Tim Brazier has joined he company as publicity manager. He was a senior […]
Lunch for Wednesday, March 8
Steroid-Book Serial Targets Bonds The forthcoming book GAME OF SHADOWS from San Francisco Chroncile reporters Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams is serialized in a Sports Illustrated cover story and delivers a thorough account of Barry Bonds’ alleged use of performance-enhancing drugs over a number of years, providing “sometimes day-to-day, drug-by-drug detail how often and how deeply Bonds engaged in the persistent doping.” The book will be published on March 27. VNU Buyout Terms Announced, Though Shareholders May Resist VNU has agreed to a buyout worth 8.6 billion euros from a consortium of private equity groups. For now the new […]
Lunch for Monday, March 6
Fehr to Leave in Smithsonian Reorganization In a reorganization of the joint publishing program between the Smithsonian Institution and HarperCollins, the role of Smithsonian Books publisher has been eliminated and Don Fehr will be departing. Elizabeth Dyssegaard will run the Smithsonian Books editorial office in New York, and Smithsonian Business Ventures has named Carolyn Gleason to the Washington, DC-based post of director of Smithsonian Books. SBV head Gary Beer says in a statement: “Don Fehr played an important role in the transition from Smithsonian Press to our joint publishing program with HarperCollins, and we are grateful for his contribution. The […]