Monday, October 31 Advertisement Pace University’s Master of Science publishing program gives you the edge you need in today’s competitive publishing industry. This unique program covers all aspects of the publishing business — book, magazine, newspaper and electronic — as well as editing, finance, production, sales, marketing, circulation, acquisitions and subsidiary rights. The program offers well-known professors, cutting-edge technology and on-line courses. Attend an information session on Thursday, November 17th online at at 6:00 p.m, or Thursday, December 8th at our Midtown Center, 551 Fifth Avenue, at 5:30 pm. To learn more about the publishing program click here, or […]
Lunch for Friday, October 28
Stehlik to Take Over at Avon Liate Stehlik has been hired to serve as svp and publisher of Avon, reporting to HarperMorrow group publisher Michael Morrison, starting at the end of November. Stehlik fills a slot that has been vacant. Avon executive editor Carrie Feron, who had been reporting to Morrison, will now report to Stehlik. She has been associate publisher at Pocket Books since 2001. From the UK Da Vinci Hearing A trial date of February 27 has been set in London for the lawsuit brought by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh against Dan Brown and Random House over […]
Lunch for Thursday, October 27
Bratton’s Books Details are scant, but Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton apparently has two more books in the works, one on management and another on counterterrorism, according to the LA Times. The paper says the news took some city officials by surprise, and “Bratton isn’t talking about details of the books.” LAT For HCI Employees The Deerfield, FL-based publisher Health Communications is without power or telephones and has closed temporarily in the wake of Hurricane Wilma. Editorial director Bret Witter is trying to get in contact with other publishing division employees from an outpost in Atlanta. Witter can […]
Lunch for Wednesday, October 26
Searchable Books: Microsoft is Next This much is clear: More books are going to be searchable in more places on the Internet. Yesterday Microsoft announced a plan to establish MSN Book Search. Set to begin rolling out in beta next year, they aim to gather “content from books, academic materials, periodicals and other print resources.” The initial focus is clearly on materials in the public domain, and to that end Microsoft has joined the Open Content Alliance (OCA) that was announced a few weeks ago, and will pay $5 million to fund the scanning of 150,000 books under the supervision […]
Lunch for Tuesday, October 25
Wallace Leaves Wenner; S&S Moves Bulger to Head New Distribution Client Group Bob Wallace has resigned as head of the Wenner Books line to “pursue other opportunities.” A spokesman says the imprint “is alive and well with a full catalogue for 2006,” though Lloyd Grove cites a Wenner Media “insider” as indicating that “Wallace’s departure probably signals the inevitable demise of the book-publishing division.” Simon & Schuster has created a new distribution client unit to be run by Joe Bulger, who takes the position of vp, client management and business development, reporting to svp of supply chain operations Joe D’Onofrio. […]
Lunch for Monday, October 24
On Bertelsmann: More French Stores, and the Unsung Division Bertelsmann will buy France’s Alsatia Group bookstore chain, with 22 stores and sales of $74 million last year. Earlier this year, the company bought independent French chain Privat. In a separate piece, Business Week points out that Bertelsmann’s Arvato division (which current CEO Gunther Thielen used to run) is the company’s second-leading unit in sales and profits. What started as a printing division has grown into a services-based growth engine. One analyst notes, “It’s basically handling customer resource management for big companies, and it’s an enormous contributor to the Bertelsmann group.” […]