The Sunday Selections The nation’s biggest book review sections offered various lists of best books of the year: Los Angeles Times Best Fiction (about 15 titles) Los Angeles Times Best Nonfiction (also about 15 titles) New York Times 100 Notable Books (the top 10 come next week) Washington Post Book World surveys “the best of 2004, brought to you by our eclectic band of reviewers” — approximately 150 titles in all. And Post critic Jonathan Yardley focuses on his five favorite novels, noting that-in contrast to the NBA jury-his picks [Ward Just, Philip Roth, John Gregory Dunne, Christopher Tilghman, and […]
Lunch for Friday, December 3
January Book Sense The new selections have been posted online; visit the link for full bookseller comments. 1. BAKER TOWERS: A Novel, by Jennifer Haigh THE HA-HA: A Novel, by Dave King THE FAMILY TREE, by Carole Cadwalladr THE COLD DISH, by Craig Johnson OUT: A Novel, by Natsuo Kirino THE MEMORY OF RUNNING: A Novel, by Ron McLarty DANCING NAKED AT THE EDGE OF DAWN, by Kris Radish THE LOST GERMAN SLAVE GIRL: The Extraordinary True Story of the Slave Sally Miller and Her Fight for Freedom, by John Bailey TOO BEAUTIFUL FOR YOU: Tales of Improper Behavior, by […]
Lunch for Thursday, December 2
Winning Mutant Lecturer at London’s Imperial College Armand Marie Leroi won the Guardian First Book Award for MUTANTS: On the form, varieties and errors of the human body, prevailing over such books as Susanna Clarke’s JONATHAN STRANGE AND MR NORRELL. Guardian literary editor and head of the judging panel Claire Armitstead said, “It is not just about the science of abnormality, but about everything that could possibly be affected by that science, from the lifespan of fruit flies to the depiction of nostrils in the paintings of Toulouse Lautrec.” As for Clarke’s book, Armitstead commented, “while everyone was impressed by […]
Lunch for Wednesday, December 1
Sales Rise at Wiley Second quarter sales rose 8 percent, to $247 million at Wiley, driven by “continued strength in our global scientific, technical and medical business” and “improved return rates in higher education and professional/trade” in the U.S. Professional/trade revenue was up 3 percent for the quarter. Release Da Vinci Date Columbia Pictures has confirmed that Tom Hanks is set to star as Robert Langdon in the film version of THE DA VINCI CODE. The studio has set May 19, 2006 as the worldwide release date for the film. Press release Personnel News Penny Holroyde has joined the Caroline […]
Lunch for Tuesday, November 30
Retailing News Galore 1. 29-year-old Sarah McNally is opening a New York City branch of her family’s Canadian-based McNally Robinson bookstores on Prince Street. She was as an editor at Perseus (and husband Chris Jackson is an editor at Crown). McNally tells the NYT, “When I’ve told people, they respond as if I’m doing the most insane thing in the world. Even my accountant tried to talk me out of it.” In Canada, the four-store McNally Robinson has been named Bookseller of the Year four times by the booksellers association. NYT CBC from last week 2. At San Francisco’s Adobe […]
Lunch for Monday, November 29
Gordimer Collects Charity Book Nadine Gordimer’s efforts to assemble an anthology of stories from well-known writers to benefit South African AIDS victims draw press from all over. TELLING TALES comprises 21 stories from the likes of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Margaret Atwood, Salman Rushdie, Woody Allen, and Arthur Miller-all previously published, however. The collection will be published in 11 languages on December 1, World AIDS Day. Gordimer’s charge to contributors was to offer “beautiful stories celebrating life, which is what people suffering with HIV and AIDS are deprived of – the fullness of life.” BBC story Profiling Regan Lloyd Grove provides […]