The Latest A dozen new deals so far since our last dispatch include a big health and wellness author for Avery, an “O” editor on how women can sell themselves and their work, a racy marriage manual, the latest Pentagon strategies, and of course much more, plus new ones live during the day, available all the time to members of our Join us now a member and you can use the board, too. Plus you get all our other great features as part of the same package, including: * live deal reports, an optional daily deal e-mail, and our […]
Lunch for Friday, August 1
Lunch for Breakfast It’s Parent’s Day at my youngest son’s camp today, so Lunch is on the early and quick side. Dozens of New Ones Again Another busy day of reports includes a the remarkable efforts by two mothers from different parts of the world to push the edge of treatments for autism, a philosopher’s look at the power of religion (and the way it’s taking over in America), the first title for the Guerrilla News Network, a couple of big children’s deals, a fitness book for “boomer babes,” and of course much more, plus new ones live during the […]
Lunch for Thursday, July 31
Dozens of New Ones It’s a quiet news day, but we’ve got a burst of over 20 new deals, including: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s first novel in years, a crime caper that comes with an endorsement from Elmore Leonard (don’t tell the Wall Street Journal; they’ll be roiled), the latest guerrilla marketing title, and of course much more, plus new ones live during the day, available all the time to members of our Register here for Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Just e-mail to deals@PublishersMarketplace if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Please do […]
Lunch for Wednesday, July 30
Brady, Hastert, a Would-Be Spock and More The Speaker of the House reflects, a notable film sale, actor Wayne Brady’s memoir, yet another chronicle from an embedded reporter in Iraq (this one growing out of a recent three-part magazine series), a book positioned as “Dr. Spock for dog owners,” the growing identity theft problem, the seasons at a organic farm, and lots more, plus new ones live during the day, join us as a member at Plus, anyone can view the ever-burgeoning rights and proposal offerings at the site, with a broad mix from agents, publishers, and individual writers. […]
Lunch for Tuesday, July 29
The Latest For the dozen or so latest deals, new since last night’s Deal Weekly, including the auction for a former publishing publicity director’s memoir, a pre-empt for a new workout program that promises more strength and endurance than ever, more Canadian fiction, and still others, plus new ones live during the day, join us as a member at Plus, anyone can view the ever-burgeoning rights and proposal offerings at the site, with a broad mix from agents, publishers, and individual writers. Join us now a member and you can use the board, too. Plus you get all our […]
Lunch for Monday, July 28
From More Coulter to PETA’s Founder Matt Drudge reports on a pending deal for one of his favorite authors Ann Coulter, saying she’s “on the verge of signing” for another two books with Crown Forum in an agreement “valued at near $3 million.” Meanwhile, we’ve got a dozen new concluded deals listed since last Friday morning, including a management book from a soldier turned business consultant, a guide from the founder of PETA, and as usual plenty more and new ones live during the day. Plus, anyone can view the ever-burgeoning rights and proposal offerings at the site, with a […]