Lots of New Deals Another very busy day has yielded lots of new deal reports, as former Dell/Delacorte editor-in-chief Leslie Schnur sells her first novel in a lengthy auction, and there’s more first fiction at auction, a new house for rising novelist Steven Sherrill, Deirdre Imus authoring a big benefit cookbook, advice from a man Time Magazine called one of the greatest marketers of the 20th century, and lots more. To see them all, and for the latest news every day, please join us now as a member at PublishersMarketplace. Check them all out, search our deals database of well […]
Lunch for Tuesday, January 28
Assistant Fiction, Biography, and More The end of the auction for Mimi Hare and Clare Naylor’s Hollywood roman-a-clef THE SECOND ASSISTANT (set in an agency) is said to be imminent according to the NY Daily News. As for deals already closed, there’s an unusually large stockpile of about 20 new ones, including a massive FDR biography from an unusual writer, a novelist stepping up to a good deal at a larger house, a pre-empt for a young woman’s memoir of alcohol abuse, an unusual hero from the early days of baseball, and truly a lot more — as well as […]
Lunch for Monday, January 27
Sorry; complicated day, so Lunch is late, yet still hastily assembled Chief Moose Sells Story; Will County Approve It? It’s one of the more unusual deal news items we’ve come across; Maryland’s Montgomery County police chief Charles A. Moose, put in the news spotlight by last fall’s sniper case, has reached a deal for his book proposal, co-written with Charles Fleming, though agent David Vigliano won’t announce the publisher until tomorrow. But as the Washington Post pointed out, the county has strict rules regarding public officials “using the prestige of his or her office for personal gain” and barring any […]
Lunch for Friday, January 24
The Latest Reports A big paperback sales for Kate Moses’s forthcoming debut novel, a look at circus life during the heday of the Big Top, and more. Deals now generate literally thousands of page views a day a PublishersMarketplace; be one of those who knows by joining us now as member. You can still try our service out for a limited time, and you can even get an optional daily deal e-mail sent every night. Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Report Your Own Have a deal to report? Just e-mail to michael@caderbooks.com, […]
Lunch for Thursday, January 23
Deal News In an interesting deal that doesn’t really involve a book, agent Elaine Koster has brokered a 22-episode prime-time reality series called What Should You Do? for client Candice DeLong, author of SPECIAL AGENT: My Life on the Front Lines as a Woman in the FBI, working with Steve Fisher at APA. Plus, an award-winning essayist takes on the collision of science and religion over birth-related issues, urban parents get their own guide, and as usual, more. Deals now generate literally thousands of page views a day a PublishersMarketplace; be one of those who knows by joining us now […]
Lunch for Wednesday, January 22
The Latest Reports Among the very latest: a big thriller deal in the UK ready for a US home, more fantasy for young readers and two big follow-ups to a successful picture book, lots more fiction, and still more. Deals now generate literally thousands of page views a day a PublishersMarketplace; be one of those who knows by joining us now as member. You can still try our service out for a limited time, and you can even get an optional daily deal e-mail sent every night. Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals […]