All Kinds of Deal News The unsung 60s space race underwater, the Conari Press founder shares secrets to enjoying daily life more, a major deal for a growing thriller writer and a debut legal thriller from a top public defender, a prize-winning playwright scores big with first fiction, breaking the seduction of foods we crave, the story John Steinbeck’s best friend and the man scholars claim helped nurture his literary genius, big deals for Sibley and Vreeland, and still more in another busy day of deal reports, all new for this week — with, as usual, live updates daily as […]
Lunch for Thursday, July 18
FYI Yesterday’s Lunch was baked nice and fresh in the morning but a problem at our e-mail service meant it was late to the table for most of you. It should go more smoothly today. And thanks to your kind recommendations, we continue to grow at an amazingly steady (and rapid) rate; today we should welcome our 14,000th subscriber. Lots of Fiction and More in Deals A big deal for a sweeping look at the coal business, another bestselling author optioned by Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney, six-figure debut fiction and new mysteries, military science fiction and literary fiction, a […]
Lunch for Wednesday, July 17
Sorry for typos; I’m running late. Today’s Deals An “aggressive pre-empt” by Robert Gottlieb for Knopf, another book on girls and aggression, coverage of the Diane Whipple dog-mauling case by a bestselling true crime writer, an accomplished playwright shares his secrets, another web site strikes a publishing partnership, the irresistibly titled WHEN BAD RELATIVES HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE, and still more, all new since Deal Lunch — with, as usual, live updates daily as we receive them for members who sign up at PublishersMarketplace. Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Have […]
Lunch for Tuesday, July 16
Today’s Deals A big three-book deal for Simon Schama, a Pulitzer winner delves into an historical battle between the US and Mexico, a pre-empt for Diane Reverand in her new job at SMP, adventures in the suburban wilderness, and more, all new since Deal Lunch last night — with, as usual, live updates daily as we receive them for members who sign up at PublishersMarketplace. Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Have a deal to report for Deal Lunch? Just e-mail to, or use the form at Report a […]
Lunch for Monday, July 15
The Latest Deals With the July 4 break we’ve recorded 46 deals since the last Deal Lunch, all of which are ready for browsing in advance at for members. Look for new deals as we receive them, the deal of the day, and our deal database (great for researching agents, editors, houses, themes, seasons, etc.) with almost 3,000 transactions. Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Have a deal to report for Deal Lunch? Just e-mail to, or use the form at Report a deal using the online form […]
Lunch for Friday, July 12
The Latest Deals A big first fiction sale in the UK leads the news, with over 40 new deals posted since the last pre-holiday Deal Lunch — and more new ones posted live every day as we receive them. And our deal database (great for researching agents, editors, houses, themes, seasons, etc.) has almost 3,000 transactions, all for members at Join Marketplace here and enjoy full benefits Go directly to the latest deals Deal Reports Have a deal to report for Deal Lunch? Just e-mail to, or use the form at Report a deal using the online […]