New Deals A new Dilbert business book, an illustrated book from two longtime Oprah staff photographers, Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s next book, a “Fast Food Nation for personality tests,” a sweeping look at the color red, two WWII thrillers, and lots more all the time, at Register here to view the deals, search our 2,000+ deal database, and get an optional daily deal e-mail See all the latest deals Simon Opens Atria PB Press, the hardcover imprint of Pocket created last June, has now been given the permanent name of Atria Books (PB Press was always considered an “interim” moniker). […]
Lunch for Wednesday, March 27, 2002
Want to Really Stand Out at BEA? As some of you will remember, last year we launched a printed daily Convention Lunch at BEA, and the experiment went over very well. We did it with two goals in mind — to provide our readers with Lunch-style coverage of the convention, and to create a sponsorship program that truly drives visitors to a small set of booths. Our limited roster of Convention Lunch sponsors get two weeks of promotion here in Publishers Lunch in advance of the show, and serve as the exclusive distributors of Convention Lunch on the floor, assuring […]
Lunch for Tuesday, March 19, 2002
Want to Really Stand Out at BEA? As some of you will remember, last year we launched a printed daily Convention Lunch at BEA, and the experiment went over very well. We did it with two goals in mind–to provide our readers with Lunch-style coverage of the convention, and to create a sponsorship program that truly drives visitors to a small set of booths. Our limited roster of Convention Lunch sponsors get two weeks of promotion here in Publishers Lunch in advance of the show, and serve as the exclusive distributors of Convention Lunch on the floor, assuring visits from […]
Lunch for Monday, March 18, 2002
The Latest Deals Donna Tartt’s novel goes for a million pounds in the UK, Nick Webb has an authorized biography of the late Douglas Adams, Joan Collins writes about how to look young, a “heated” auction for a modern-day Cinderella story, one half of a well-known pseudonymous team scores big with a first novel, Court TV’s Rikki Klieman looks at balancing career and family, and much more. Register here to view the deals, search our 2,000+ deal database, and get an optional daily deal e-mail See all the latest deals Random UK Buys Harvill After “over a year discussing varying […]
Lunch for Friday, March 15, 2002
The Latest Deals Richard Paul Evans leaves Simon and Schuster for a “huge” new two-book deal, a book that reveals how to write a business plan that matches the data banks use to evaluate you, a Sopranos co-star has a memoir of Jersey days, and more Register here to view the deals, search our 2,000+ deal database, and get an optional daily deal e-mail See all the latest deals Canada Plans National Read The CBC is organizing a country-wide reading of a work of Canadian fiction, scheduled to start in April. (Among other activities, the network will read the selected […]
Lunch for Thursday, March 14, 2002
The Latest Deals Judy Blume will write her first new Fudge book in 12 years, and the backlist Fudge titles get a new home, plus a big film deal for MANHUNT, a US home for CHEET, and more. Register here to view the deals, search our 2,000+ deal database, and get an optional daily deal e-mail See all the latest deals Perseus Buys Running Press The Perseus Publishing Group is acquiring Running Press, to create what our friends in the film business might call a mini-major. Knowledgeable insiders put Running Press’s annual sales at over $60 million, and the NY […]