From Bush’s Brain to the Mommy Brain and Back Again Among the 17 new ones since last Friday: the co-author of Bush’s Brain returns to his favorite subject, a big first fiction sale in the UK that’s coming this way shortly, a member of Hillary’s ghost team examines “the phenomenon of the political outlaw,” a Pulitzer-winner’s look at THE MOMMY BRAIN (it’s sharper than cliches would have you believe), a sleep expert’s advice, and as ever, much more. (About 75 new deals from last week, the latest entries in our unique archive that now comprises almost 5,500 transactions.) Join […]
Lunch for Friday, June 27
More Big Deals A big film deal for the DaVinci Code, a journalist/dad’s take on Soccer Nation, Penguin signs a bestselling conservative author, Lawrence Thornton’s new novel and more fiction at auction, a big deal for Britain’s answer to Walter Cronkite, all about JFK, hats and American culture, and still plenty more. As ever, members of can check the new deals any time, get them delivered by e-mail, and search our deal archive (now with nearly 5,500 transactions). For the same low month-to-month fee, you get access to all of our great site features, from the “addictive” book tracker […]
Lunch for Thursday, June 26
We Now Resume Our Regularly Scheduled Programming Thanks for your patience; Lunch will pick up its as-regular-as-usual schedule today, though beware of slightly foggy/jet-lagged reports for the next couple of days. Catching Up on Deals I know you got two Deal weeklies while I was gone, and since the last update we’ve already got about 50 new ones posted from just the last few days. Selected highlights include a behind-the-scenes look at Broadway stars, a blacklisted actor’s memoir of life in exile, a big sale for the Park Avenue version of Nanny Diaries/Devil Wears Prada, the first of many books […]
Lunch for Thursday, June 12
See You Later! Taking full advantage of our trademark “Except when not,” I’m leaving on vacation later today. There will be no Lunch next week and, depending upon the state of my Internet access in a far away land, Lunch will resume sometime between June 23 and June 26. There will, however, be a big fat Deal Lunch issued some time next week. Furthermore, deals will still be reported live at — and our Marketplace staff will keep all the other features there complete and up to date. Our job board will also keep humming away as usual. I […]
Lunch for Wednesday, June 11
Deal News Among the dozen or so new ones, there’s James Wolcott’s book about the cable news business, the story of Huck Finn’s friend Jim as told by his enslaved wife, a sale for a proposal spotted by the editor on the PublishersMarketplace rights board, a Beverly Hills party planner advises on bar mitzvahs, a big movie sale for a debut novel, meditation for children, and plenty more. Plus you get all of our other great features — an optional daily e-mail, our addictive book tracker to follow your books’ sales positions and cross-reference against bestseller lists, easily postable professional […]
Lunch for Tuesday, June 10
The Latest Almost 20 new deals since yesterday morning to share, including a dual memoir from the history-making sisters Loretta & Linda Sanchez, the first such pair to serve in Congress together, a pre-empt for a successfully self-published novel, a novel about Mary Todd Lincoln, more secrets of baby whispering, more volumes in a bestselling Japanese series come to America, and still plenty more (not to mention full access to our 5,000-plus deal archive). Plus you get all of our other great features — an optional daily e-mail, our addictive book tracker to follow your books’ sales positions and cross-reference […]