The Latest Deals and More In deals a three-time Cy Young Award winner reveals his secrets, there’s a new “critter” from the Stellaluna creator, and much more (almost a dozen new reports) plus new deals during the day as we receive them and all the week’s news in advance of Deal Lunch, at Intriguing new proposals include the true story of the a recently discovered footlocker containing the lost drawings, films, photographs, articles, and engineering equipment of Donald Hall (“one of the greatest aeronautical engineers of the 20th century”), who collaborated with Charles Lindbergh in designing the Spirit of […]
Lunch for February 28, 2002
New Deals, New Offerings, and More In deals there’s former editor Laura Yorke’s new collaboration, a big book about the dynamic new head of Nissan, two buys for Fourth Estate’s new US line, and more. On the rights and proposals board, you’ll find lots of interesting posts, including a book from two authors who recently appeared on Oprah to talk about fighting crime on the Internet and give advice on how to protect children from Internet sexual predators, a humorous novel from an experienced journalist, another that imagines a Holden Caulfield-type graduating from law school and embarking on his first […]
Lunch for February 27, 2002
New Deals, New Offerings, and More Two first novels for the Free Press’s new fiction line, the true story of a woman who fought in the Civil War as man, an insider’s look at the Patriots’ Super Bowl season, an Edgar nominee’s next group of mysteries, all in the latest deals at A new member posting new posting provides more details on Overtime, a social group for young people in publishing founded by Nicole Diamond and Kara Howland and now with hundreds of people on its list. Meanwhile, there are a number of new proposals on our rights Board, […]
Lunch for February 26, 2002
New Deals, New Offerings, and More The biggest deal of the day is below, but there’s a big deal for Terry Gross, a major business book, some sizeable fiction deals, a UK home for Sting, and more, all just since yesterday’s Deal Lunch. Join and access all the latest deals anytime, as they are reported. Meanwhile, there are a number of new proposals from agents on our rights board. Plus, check out the most visited member pages, track your books’ sales position at Amazon and and automatically follow them on 11 bestseller lists, search the deal and contact […]
Lunch for February 22, 2002
Deals and More The latest deals include a rush book on Donald Rumsfeld’s leadership wisdom, an insider’s look at Hillary Clinton’s days as First Lady, a scholar on the ideas that conquered the world, fiction from a WWII pilot, and more. Plus, check out the most visited member pages, track your books’ sales position at Amazon and and automatically follow them on 11 bestseller lists, search the deal and contact databases, get a daily deal e-mail and more — all at And you can still try us out with no obligation for the first week. Try it by […]
Lunch for February 21, 2002
Deals, Offerings, and More In the latest deals, a novelist adds a new movie deal with Billy Bob Thornton starring as his agents prepare to auction a new manuscript; trainers and nutritionists to stars like Britney Spears offer “secrets to total health,” lots of rights deals for Monica Ali’s novel, lessons from Charles Barkley, and more. Meanwhile, new postings on ours rights board include an award-winning science and technology writer’s look at “the fantastic world of nanotechnology with developments and discoveries that read like science fiction.” Plus, check out the most visited member pages, track your books’ sales position at […]