Archives for August 2024
Lakeside to Add New Press at Willard, OH Facility
Lakeside Book Company announced today it will add a new 64-page, 4-color offset, wide-web press (a manroland Goss Lithoman) at its big 1.3 million square foot Willard, Ohio plant. The press will be operational in less than a year and the company says the investment will create 100 new jobs at the facility. The plant already “produces upwards of 50 million books a year.”
Register For Our Romance Buzz Panel Now
In advance of tomorrow’s Bookstore Romance Day, don’t forget to download our Buzz Books 2024: Romance collection. The sampler is our biggest-yet compilation, with 21 exclusive pre-publication excerpts of the most talked about romance books of the coming season. The “trade edition” is available from Edelweiss and NetGalley with additional publicity and marketing info, along with click-throughs to request full individual galleys. The consumer edition is also ready for download at your ebookstore of choice (Kindle, Nook, Apple Books, Google Play, and Kobo.) You can also register here for the virtual Buzz Romance Editors Panel, on Wednesday, August 21 at 7 pm ET to hear four featured authors from the […]
Dayton Literary Peace Prize
The Dayton Literary Peace prize announced finalists in fiction and nonfiction.
People 8/15
Clive Priddle will step down as Public Affairs publisher, effective September 13.
Embedding Michael Wolff, with A Tape Recorder
The latest episode of the Open Book podcast features former Macmillan ceo John Sargent — recorded when he was promoting his book — discussing his battle with Amazon over ebook agency, his earlier days working for Dick Snyder at Simon & Schuster, and more, including this story about why Holt was so confident about Michael Wolff’s sourcing for his book, FIRE AND FURY: “Trump gets elected. Michael Wolff is under contract to write a book with us. Michael Wolff comes and says, ‘How about if we put that book on hold? I can get access into the Trump White House — […]