Larissa Helena has joined Pippin Properties as manager of subsidiary rights and associate literary agent, having relocated to NY. Previously she was executive editor at Fantástica Rocco in Brazil. The San Francisco Chronicle has a profile on the return this summer of Berkeley native Steve Wasserman to take over Heyday Books: “Now, in what might seem an improbable new career chapter, Wasserman, at 64, has come home to Berkeley to run Heyday, the scrappy, purpose-driven publisher known for its beautifully made books about the natural environment and native peoples of Northern California…. Wasserman is committed to both affirming and enlarging the […]
John Murray managing director Roland Philipps will leave his position at the end of the year, after 22 years at Hodder & Stoughton. Murray will work as consultant, and focus on his own writing. In Germany, Nora Mercurio will be promoted to director of rights and foreign rights department at Suhrkamp and Insel, where she has worked since 2006. Current director Dr. Petra Hardt wanted to transfer leadership of the department, the company reports, but will remain part of the unit.
As we prepare to mark a big anniversary here at PM (more on that soon) and look forward to opportunity to gather with family and friends and focus on reasons to be thankful, we are particularly grateful for this community that sustains and supports us. The opportunity to engage with and help to animate so many hard-working peers and colleagues every day is a rare gift indeed. As a very modest offering, for anyone who wants to try out the full resources of and full membership in our PM world, the promotional code 1515 will provide the first month of service […]
Gail Brussel has joined Penguin Press as publicity manager. Most recently ran her own PR company, Gail Brussel Book Publicity. In addition, Juliana Kiyan has been promoted to assistant publicity director. As we reported last month, Kate Childs left her position as director of Special events and event partnerships at Random House to join CAA. The agency has now officially explained that Childs takes the “newly-created position within the books department to create unique live events for client book releases. She will “work in collaboration with publishing houses to develop strategic programming in support of a book launch that expands upon a […]
Kelly Joseph will join McClelland & Stewart on December 5 in the newly-created position of publishing manager, reporting to Jared Bland. In her new role, Joseph will will undertake the development of a new publishing initiative for fiction in translation, and take on administration of the division’s poetry program. Joseph spent the past eight years at House of Anansi Press, serving most recently as managing editor, and helped develop their French-language imprint Arachnide. In addition, M&S senior editor Jenny Bradshaw will now report to Bland, working closely with him and Martha Kanya-Forstner to shape the non-fiction program. Obituaries Simon & Schuster […]
People, Etc.
At Simon & Schuster Children’s, Audrey Gibbons has been promoted to senior publicist. Recipients were announced for the second round of $1.75 million in grants that James Patterson is providing to school libraries across the country, working in partnerships with Scholastic Reading Club, which matches the grants with points for classroom materials purchases. 452 schools are receiving funds from the latest grants. Patterson says in the announcement: “We’ve just come out of the most divisive presidential election in history—and among all the issues that captivated voters, education wasn’t one of them. It was hardly discussed. Nearly half of the American […]