Nicole Dewey will join Little, Brown as executive director of publicity, starting November 15 and reporting to vp, marketing director Heather Fain. She has been executive director of publicity at Henry Holt. Director of the University of Texas Press since 1992 Joanna Hitchcock announced that she will retire at the end of February. She said, “I’ve been at the helm for almost a third of the Press’s 60-year existence and it is time for new leadership.” Erzsi Deà k is now scouting for both children’s imprints of La Martinière Groupe in France: Le Seuil Jeunesse and La Martinière Jeunesse. She works […]
New Imprints
Harlequin “Rebranding” Will Eliminate Silhouette Name
As part of a “re-envisioning” of their brand and logos conducted with the help of Pentagram, Harlequin has written to authors, informing them that the Silhouette name will be retired in April 2011. Executives Donna Hayes and Loriana Sacilotto write that the various Silhouette series will all become Harlequin-branded lines. “As you know, Silhouette Nocturne became Harlequin Nocturne in June of this year. Special Edition, Romantic Suspense and Desire will appear with their new Harlequin brand in April. Rebranding the Silhouette series as Harlequin will ensure that these series benefit from the promotional resources dedicated to the Harlequin brand and […]
Harper Launches Broadside
As of January, executive editor Adam Bellow’s list of conservative books at Harper Collins will formally constitute an imprint, Broadside Books, with Bellow as editorial director. The line will “project an attitude of forward engagement with the war of ideas, both between right and left and within the conservative movement.” The company says “Broadside will publish across a wide spectrum of nonfiction genres — political and philosophical critiques of liberalism, revisionist histories investigative journalism, issue-focused books by leading political figures, political memoirs, and books that challenge or rethink various aspects of conservatism itself.”
People, Etc.
Packager Downtown Bookworks has started publishing a line of children’s books and has signed with Simon & Schuster for sales, warehousing and distribution, effective immediately. Downtown Bookworks expects to issue 24 kids books annually, with their launch titles on the way this month. Colin Shepherd has been promoted to assistant editor at Twelve, which he joined in April 2008. At Westview Press, Anthony Wahl has been promoted to associate editorial director. The PEN Pinter Prize is being given to novelist and playwright Hanif Kureishi, who “courageously and irreverently speaks the truth about life in our multicultural world, beyond any platitudes […]
Two Off the Beaten Path Stories: Myhrvold Delays, Ali Experiments
Former Microsoft CTO Nathan Myhrvold’s lavish self-published six-volume cookbook MODERNIST CUISINE, listing for $625, has been eagerly anticipated by some foodies. In a blog posting earlier this week, Myhrvold explained to customers and fans that publication has been delayed and they will miss this Christmas, now looking for a publication date of March 14. It turns out book publishing is more complicated than it looks. The fundamental work of “proofreading and correction 2,400 pages…has been taking longer than we expected to complete.” They have also had to work out the kinks in shipping 40 pounds worth of book without damage: […]
Remaking Crown’s Paperbacks
As the latest phase of the Crown Publishing Group’s realignments, recently-appointed publisher of Three Rivers Press and Broadway Paperbacks Tina Pohlman delineated a new imprint structure and focus that parallels the entire group’s reorganization. Broadway Paperbacks will issue reprints for the Crown and Broadway hardcover lists, along with “select fiction and nonfiction” originals. Three Rivers Press will issue reprints from the refocused Harmony and newly-created Crown Archetype lines, along with its own trade paperback originals in areas such as humor and pop culture. Paperbacks drawing from Crown Business and Crown Forum will retain the originating imprint’s moniker, as will paperbacks […]