Ravi Mirchandani will become publisher of a new UK branch of Summit Books on September 2, reporting to managing director Suzanne Baboneau.
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Masie Cochran has been named publisher and editorial director at Tin House Books.
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HBG Ups BIPOC Book Publishing As Employee Diversity Is Flat
Hachette Book Group released its annual diversity report, noting marginal increases over the previous year. In a statement, VP and chief diversity officer Carrie Bloxson said, “In 2020, HBG committed to openly reporting on our efforts to address the critical diversity gap within our staff and publishing programs. Our annual reporting reflects our dedication and transparency in this mission. Enhancing representation in HBG’s leadership, workplaces, and publishing initiatives is paramount to fulfilling our Changing the Story goal of creating inclusive publishing that resonates with all readers and accurately reflects our diverse society. We remain deeply dedicated to this work as […]