At Workman Publishing, Vaughn Andrews will join the company as creative director for the Workman imprint on April 22. Most recently a freelance designer, he worked for 26 years at Harcourt, including serving as executive art director and creative director. Raquel Jaramillo, who has been acting creative director for two years, will return full time to her position as director of children’s publishing. At Touchstone, Jessica Roth has been promoted to publicity manager. At Yale University Press, Jaya Aninda Chatterjee has been promoted to assistant editor for politics and international relations. William Boyd‘s new authorized James Bond novel, publishing this […]
People: Futter Named Publisher of Twelve as Goldstein Leaves to “Pursue Other Interests”
Cary Goldstein is leaving Twelve after seven years, the last two as the imprint’s publisher, to “pursue other interests.” Grand Central president and publisher Jamie Raab said in the announcement that Goldstein has contributed an enormous amount to the imprint’s many successes.” He will remain at Twelve through May 1 as part of the transition that will see Grand Central vp, editor-in-chief Deb Futter will add to her existing duties responsibility for the Twelve imprint as publisher. Futter has been at Grand Central since 2007. “I can’t think of a sharper or more experienced editorial voice to shape this dynamic […]
People, Etc.
Tad Floridis has joined Zola Books as director of international business development, with an initial mandate to take the company into the UK and British Commonwealth markets. Floridis was previously co-founder and associate publisher of Canongate’s US arm. “We are delighted that Tad will be laying the groundwork for our launch abroad,” Zola ceo Joe Regal said in the announcement. “His wealth of experience will help us target the best opportunities for development of content, identify possible strategic business partnerships, and build expert local teams in each of the markets we plan to enter in the coming months and years.” […]
Laney Katz Becker has joined Lippincott Massie McQuilkin as an agent. Previously she was at Markson Thoma. At Ten Speed Press, Kelly Snowden has been promoted to marketing and publicity manager. UK-based And Other Stories is established a New York presence, run by Sarah Russo of Sara Russo Public Relations as North American director of publicity. Beginning with the fall/winter 2013 list, their titles will be distributed here by Consortium. In the UK, Samantha Smith will join Scholastic on May 20 as publisher, fiction. She is currently editorial director at Little, Brown UK. In addition, Rachel Partridge will join the company […]
Pamela Paul Appointed New NYTBR Editor; Tanenhaus Moves to Writer-At-Large Role At Paper
The New York Times Book Review has promoted Pamela Paul to editor, replacing Sam Tanenhaus, who is stepping down after nine years and taking on a writer-at-large role at the paper. In an internal memo, the NYT says of Paul, who joined the NYTBR in 2011 as children’s editor and was more recently features editor: “Her versatility as an editor and writer has strengthened the Book Review and many other sections, including the Magazine, Education Life and Sunday Styles, where she originated the biweekly ‘Studied’ column.” Paul tells us the children’s and features editor positions haven’t been filled yet, but […]
People, Etc.
Maha Khalil has joined the Crown Publishing Group as marketing director for Clarkson Potter, Potter Style, Potter Craft, Watson-Guptill and Amphoto. Maha was previously sales director at Hyperion. Also at the Potter group of imprints, Allison Renzulli has been promoted to senior marketing manager; Carly Gorga moves up to associate marketing manager; and Kevin Sweeting has been promoted to associate. At the S&S imprint, Meg Cassidy has been promoted to publicity manager. Bloomsbury will consolidate its three New York-based units into a single new office space at the end of April, at 1385 Broadway. They are bringing together the Bloomsbury […]