Borders announced Monday afternoon that “in the absence of a formal proposal from a going concern bidder, it did not require an auction” as scheduled for Tuesday. The company will submit for court-approval on Thursday the liquidation plan from Hilco and Gordon Brothers. Borders ceo Mike Edwards said “we are saddened by this development” in a statement, but wants to make sure you know it’s not their fault. “We were all working hard towards a different outcome, but the headwinds we have been facing for quite some time, including the rapidly changing book industry, eReader revolution, and turbulent economy, have […]
People, Etc.
Robin Harvie has been appointed as senior commissioning editor and digital publisher at Aurum Press in the UK. Harvie is currently non-fiction commissioning editor & digital editor at Harper UK’s 4th Estate. He will focus on Arum’s sports list as well as leading and managing digital strategy companywide. Ruta Rimas has joined Simon & Schuster Children’s Atheneum and Margaret K. McElderry imprints as associate editor, reporting to Justin Chanda. She was at Balzer & Bray. Airie Stuart has left Palgrave Macmillan after seven years with the company, most recently as svp and publisher. Christopher Boucher, author of debut novel HOW TO […]
Where Would Borders Shoppers Take Their Book Dollars?
We’re excited to launch a new, regular feature today in conjunction with Bowker PubTrack Consumer. They will be including questions posed by Publishers Lunch as part of their regular monthly online surveys of over 6,000 book buyers across the country. The result and analysis of that information will run exclusively here in Publishers Lunch and at We’ll be looking to survey consumers on hot button issues for the trade that don’t usually receive this kind of focused treatment. Feel free to share your thoughts with us on potential future lines of questioning. And of course the folks at Bowker […]
iBookstore Up to 130 Million Downloads
Apple still hasn’t said a word about sales of ebooks, but they have revised their tabulation of ebooks downloaded worldwide. In March they were still saying 100 million downloads; now they are saying 130 million.
eNews: 3M Invests in txtr; Diesel Allies with E-Reads; More From Eisler
Further underscoring 3M’s commitment to the epublishing space, following of our pre-BEA report of their ambitious new library ebook initiative, the company formally announced an investment in Germany’s txtr. The ereading software company’s ceo Christophe Maire calls it a “considerable investment” and says it “demonstrates that 3M has recognized the growing importance of the eReading market.” He notes that txtr is already a vendor for 3m: “we provide a white label solution to 3M, which will allow them to open up new vertical markets.” Like many others in the space, txtr at one time planned their own reading device, which […]
Glenn Beck and S&S Expand Partnership and Add Imprint
Glenn Beck may be leaving the Fox News Network later this year but his longstanding relationship with Simon & Schuster will continue and expand thanks to a new co-publishing venture with his production company Mercury Radio Arts. Mercury Ink will launch this August as an imprint that aims “to discover, publish and promote books and authors that [Beck] is passionate about across a variety of genres,” co-publishing with Simon & Schuster. Beck says in the announcement, “While I have a million book ideas of my own, there are still countless subjects that I know my audience would love to read […]