As longtime members know, we’re always working on site refinements. We wanted to update you on a few things that we have rolled in over recent weeks: – By request, the children’s deal categories have been expanded, so our young adult and middle grade sections now both all you to distinguish between works of fiction and nonfiction. – Also in Dealmakers, all of the “categories” counts are now live hyperlinks instead of static listings. Just click to see a presentation of all the dealmaker’s transaction in any particular category. – Finally, in site administration matters, we are revamping our password […]
Publishers Marketplace Tips
Tis the Season: A Holiday Free Trial At Publishers Marketplace
We’re celebrating another year of growth and new and expanded features at with the return of our free trial offer. Join our site now and check out all of our resources for free (including our mobile News App)– plus you can take in all the year-end features and exclusive Publishers Lunch Deluxe subscriber-only news (and deals) from earlier this week and tomorrow. (We’ll have one more issue of PL Deluxe on the way tomorrow, and our deals, news clips and other features keep going all the time, even when the Lunch mail is on hiatus.) Please be sure to follow […]
Marking the Day
With celebration in the air ahead of tonight’s National Book Awards ceremony and the first quiet[er] news day in a while, we’re able to take a beat and mark the occasion: This month is the 16th anniversary of (As usual, that means Publishers Lunch on its own is close to 18 years old, though we didn’t know we were “starting something” when it began, so there’s no official birthdate.) We were amused by a recent WSJ article on the hot trend in which “Niche Online Publishers Bank on Subscriptions Over Advertising.” Their contention is that selling subscriptions and memberships […]
Make Your Own News
Today we introduce a new feature that people have been requesting for a long time: A community bulletin board/classified ad section for sharing news, offers and opportunities that don’t fit in the day-to-day editorial coverage in Publishers Lunch. Our new Classifieds work just like our very effective, industry-leading Publishers Lunch Job Board. Your posts run for seven days on a dedicated page at, and every Friday we’ll collect the week’s listings in a special section of Publishers Lunch, which you can see below today. Use PL classifieds to offer galleys or office space; announce awards, new clients, press releases, […]
Just a reminder for our friends at the Frankfurt Book Fair — or out and about any time. The new PM News App is the perfect way to follow our news, and all of the deals, as they are posted, from your mobile phone. Just go to to fire it up.
Easier Access
Following the rollout of our new PM News App, announced earlier this week, we have a few updates. Most importantly, we simplified the URL to access the app: just go To answer a couple of frequent questions, adding the app’s icon to your home screen depends on the mobile browser you are using. A web search for “add icon to home screen” and your browser should give you the answer you need, though most commonly, in Safari just click the icon at the bottom of the browser window that looks like a rectangle with an arrow as its head, and […]