The Rise of FSU’s Writing Program The Palm Beach Post looks at how Florida State University’s creative writing program “has become during the past five years what some believe to be the best in the country.” They add: “It did it with the help of patent money from the cancer drug Taxol, developed by an FSU scientist; the energy from pontifical mobster writer Mark Winegardner; and support of an established and respected English department.” Winegardner, who stepped down recently as director, says: “I defy you to find a faculty that is better in terms of quality and quantity of awards […]
Lunch for Monday, July 25
Improvement at Penguin and Pearson Pearson’s earnings report for the first six months of their fiscal year is filled with palpable signs of relief. The big Pearson Education division has started to deliver the strong results that were expected (and promised) for this year, with sales up 14 percent overall, driven by an even larger increase at their big K-12 School unit. Meanwhile, Penguin “has made a solid start to… a transitional year, in line with expectations.” Which means the publisher is past its UK warehouse problems and layoffs from earlier this year and a weak holiday stretch in the […]
Lunch for Thursday, July 21
Norton Announces 9/11 Gifts One year after publishing the authorized, royalty-free editions of the 9/11 Commission Report — following long-promised intentions to donate “any extraordinary profits” to charity (and a declaration in late-January that an announcement would be made “before long”) — Norton has announced in a press release they will make three gifts of $200,000 each. The recipients are the Center for Catastrophe Preparedness and Response (CCPR) at NYU and their International Center for Enterprise Preparedness project, plus the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University, endowing Norton-9/11 Fellowships in International Relations. Norton president […]
Lunch for Wednesday, July 20
Harry Buyers Bought Widely Perhaps the best Harry Potter news for publishers other than Scholastic comes from this AP report, in which Barnes & Noble CEO Steve Riggion says that 40 percent of customers buying HALF-BLOOD PRINCE bought other things, too. Borders says that over half of their Harry customers bought something else at the same time. “Most of the additional items were non-bestsellers aimed at adults,” according to a spokesperson. But Wall Street analysts like Danielle Fox at Merrill Lynch — with proven expertise in tracking stock movements and the finer points of bookselling — tell the AP that […]
Lunch for Tuesday, July 19
Harry By the Numbers In case you haven’t already seen the collected numbers: Scholastic reported selling 6.9 million copies of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince in the first 24 hours on sale in the US, and noted they had already ordered (and started delivering) a reprint of 2.7 million copies. Amazon’s US pre-orders were over 919,000 copies. Barnes & Noble sold 1.3 million copies in the first 48 hours, including pre-orders and online sales. Borders sold 850,000 copies in the first 24 hours, and over a million copies in the first 48 hours on sale. Separately, Listening Library reported […]
Lunch for Thursday, July 14
The Latest Leak As we surmised recently, the best way to get your name in the papers this week is to say that you bought a copy of Harry Potter on sale prematurely. This time its two men in Indianapolis who found their copy on Monday in what “they described as similar to an airport gift shop” downtown. Up to Chapter 18, one of the men says: “A lot of what I’m reading, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to believe. What J.K. Rowling is telling you is pretty shocking considering the last five books.” In other Potter-related angles, the […]