Monday, October 24 Advertisement Pace University’s Master of Science publishing program gives you the edge you need in today’s competitive publishing industry. This unique program covers all aspects of the publishing business — book, magazine, newspaper and electronic — as well as editing, finance, production, sales, marketing, circulation, acquisitions and subsidiary rights. The program offers well-known professors, cutting-edge technology and on-line courses. Attend an information session on Thursday, November 18th online at, at 6:00p.m or Thursday, December 2nd at our Midtown Center, 551 Fifth Avenue, at 5:30pm. To learn more about the publishing program click here, or to apply […]
Lunch for Friday, October 21
Deal News Among the dozens of new ones: The story of the biggest Amerian marijuana bust to Putnam; THE FRIDAY NIGHT KNITTING CLUB, also to Putnam in a significant deal; a Shakespearean treasure hunt for Dutton; a very good deal at Minotaur for Marcus Sakey’s debut crime novel; Mike Tidwell’s warning that all coastal towns face Katrina-like scenarios, to the Free Press; and of course plenty more. New deals page Deal Reports Just e-mail to if you aren’t using the online form linked below. Report a deal using the online form Fair Enough So I’ve been gently teased by […]
Lunch for Wednesday, October 19
AAP Sues Google A year ago Google’s founders came to Frankfurt to unveil the publisher-focused Google Print program and now the AAP has marked the anniversary by filing suit against the separate Google Print for Libraries initiative. Following the lead of the Authors Guild, the publishers’ suit — filed on behalf of McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, Penguin USA, Simon & Schuster and Wiley — “seeks a declaration by the court that Google commits infringement when it scans entire books covered by copyright and a court order preventing it from doing so without permission of the copyright owner.” AAP is “funding and […]
Lunch for Tuesday, October 18
LaFarge Moves to New Role at Bloomsbury, and More Personnel News Leading a batch of personnel news is the announcement that Annik LaFarge will move to Bloomsbury to become publishing director, starting November 14. She has been an editor at Crown (and was previously an executive at Contentville and associate publisher at Simon & Schuster and Villard). Bloomsbury says LaFarge will serve “as liaison between editorial and marketing/publicity, coordinating pre-publication plans, seeing books through publication and helping to maximize sales,” along with acquiring and editing four to six titles a year. Publisher Karen Rinaldi observes in a statement, “What a […]
Lunch for Monday, October 17
Time Zone Shift We’re off to Frankfurt later today, and the news world obliges with lots of international stories. Regular Lunches will continue as usual, and we may or may not have additional postings and pictures available via the home page. What’s never clear from year to year is whether we’ll wind up serving Lunch on American or European time, or just whenever we can get to the computer long enough to file. International Sogides Sold to Quebcor Quebcor is buying Quebec’s largest book publisher Sogides, on undisclosed terms, to bolster its book division (which includes distributor Quebec-Livres 14 […]
Lunch Weekly for Monday, October 17
Monday, October 17 Advertisement Pace University’s Master of Science publishing program gives you the edge you need in today’s competitive publishing industry. This unique program covers all aspects of the publishing business — book, magazine, newspaper and electronic — as well as editing, finance, production, sales, marketing, circulation, acquisitions and subsidiary rights. The program offers well-known professors, cutting-edge technology and on-line courses. Attend an information session on Thursday, November 18th online at, at 6:00p.m or Thursday, December 2nd at our Midtown Center, 551 Fifth Avenue, at 5:30pm. To learn more about the publishing program click here, or to apply […]